Resource Center – Online Cooking Classes
While I would love for everyone to attend cooking classes with me, I know it’s not always possible. Over the years I’ve been teaching, I’ve only brought in one out of town instructor – George Geary. Through the IACP I’ve met many other instructors and authors. While I would love to be able to bring in others to teach here in Huntsville, the costs just don’t make that very practical. The best way to learn from some of these other instructors is via online classes.
Craftsy is the first online platform that I’ve been using. I’ve bought a number of classes for Carly and myself as I’m trying to continue to learn new recipes and techniques myself.
The Craftsy platform is very good with great videos along with supplemental material. With the paid classes, you can ask the instructor questions.
If you want to try it out, start with a free class and see how it all works. The one I can recommend is “Perfect Pizza at Home” with Peter Reinhart. I had the opportunity many years ago to assist with a class Peter taught in Austin and he is an excellent teacher and an expert in baking. He teaches at Johnson and Wales and has written many books, including one of my favorites “The Bread Bakers Apprentice.”
If you are looking for other classes, so many of my IACP friends have classes they have recorded for Craftsy. Having worked with many of these folks over the years, they all do a wonderful job. There are so many to list – Molly Stevens and her classes on Braising and Roasting, Peter’s other classes on baking, Nancie McDermott’s class on Pies, Martha Holmbergs basic class, Cynthia Nims on French Home Cooking, Ray Lampe (aka Dr. BBQ) on BBQ at Home and Meredith Deeds on Facaccia and Flatbreads. (I’m going to stop here, but I’ll probably get in trouble with the others I didn’t mention…..)
Give it a try – I think you will enjoy what they all have to offer. Click on the banner to the right to explore all of the Craftsy Offerings.
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